Course objectives:

The course focuses on the history of Russian Literature from the beginning to the end of 19th Century – main works, authors, trends of literary evolution on the (linguo/geo)cultural, language and historical background. The course aims to give a systematic view of the main personalities, works and processes of Russian literature from its origins to the turn of the 19‑20th centuries from the angle of historical poetics and 'dialectical continuity' of artistic systems (systems of worldviews and its incarnations in art / literary forms), dynamics of genre systems from the Enlightenment, Classicism, Sentimentalism, Romanticism, „Natural School“ to historical variations of Realism and (Pre-)Modernism. The literary heritage of Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolay Gogol, Fedor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev, Anton Chekhov from the comparative angle — in the context of world literature trends are especially studied.

The program is aimed to prepare highly qualified professionals in the sphere of English philology and literary criticism. Having completed the program the graduates are supposed to be able to: 1) specify the artistic and aesthetic quality of a literary creation with regard to its place in the cultural process and literary period, and within the world literary process; 2) search typological, historical, comparative and other aspects of both individual authors' creation and literary creation of a specific epoch or style; 3) find material and approach for broad and interdisciplinary presentation of the chosen topic, appealing to philosophy, art history, aesthetics, semiotics etc.; 4) systematize the trends of contemporary literary process; 5) create scientific and educational works on the history of English literature and critical studies.