El objetivo del máster es ofrecer a los estudiantes la posibilidad de compaginar dos vertientes que están estrechamente relacionadas en los ámbitos jurídico y judicial: la traducción escrita y la interpretación oral para lograr una formación sólida que les permita ampliar sus conocimientos y destrezas y afrontar las demandas de un mercado cada vez más exigente. El objetivo principal del curso consiste en la formación de traductores especializados en las áreas principales de la traducción jurídica.Ofrecer una formación de este tipo corresponde a la demanda social y profesional. De la misma manera como una sociedad no puede prescindir del Derecho y en consecuencia de profesionales formados para su ejercicio, así una sociedad cada vez más trans, inter, y multinacional necesita de profesionales de la traducción jurídica en los diferentes ámbitos del Derecho. Al finalizar el máster, los estudiantes habrán alcanzado los objetivos generales y específicos además de Comparar las prácticas de traducción jurídica e interpretación judicial, relacionar conocimientos y ponerlos en práctica y Analizar de forma crítica la práctica de la traducción jurídica o Interpretación judicial.

Este programa busca formar traductores idóneos y capaces de afrontar los retos de un mundo multicultural y dinámico actual. El plan de estudios se concentra en el desarrollo de las habilidades traductoras del ruso al español y viceversa, así como en el aprendizaje de técnicas de documentación y búsqueda de información requeridas en el ejercicio cotidiano de la traducción. Enseñanza especializada en español-ruso que engloba Combinación de la enseñanza tradicional en el aula con las nuevas tecnologías y la enseñanza online. Participación activa de los alumnos mediante el intercambio de experiencias relacionadas con la traducción e interpretación en distintos ámbitos.  Práctica en el aula con textos auténticos y en situaciones reales. Prácticas en empresas e instituciones públicas y privadas que trabajan con población extranjera. El cumplimiento de los objetivos comporta a la adquisición de competencias que deben ser coherentes con los derechos fundamentales y de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, con los principios de igualdad de oportunidades y accesibilidad universal de las personas con discapacidad y con los valores propios de una cultura de la paz y de valores democráticos.

La traducción y la interpretación son herramientas esenciales para asegurar el acceso igualitario de los ciudadanos extranjeros a la sanidad, la educación, los servicios sociales o la justicia. El curso proporciona motivos para una mayor capacitación en campos tales como Traducción e interpretación para servicios públicos e instituciones, Traducción jurídica y Derechos humanos. Sus objetivos son: Proporcionar los conocimientos teóricos  y las destrezas, habilidades  y herramientas necesarias   para   actuar   de   enlace   lingüístico   y   cultural   entre   el   personal   de   las instituciones administrativas, educativas, etc. y los usuarios que no hablan español.  Conocer   y   practicar   las   principales   técnicas   de este   tipo   de   interpretación (interpretación  bilateral,  consecutiva,  traducción a  la  vista,  terminología  específica, toma de notas, etc.) Las explicaciones básicas se dan en español, se espera que los estudiantes dominen el español en el nivel B2-C1 para seguir las explicaciones, tomar notas y hacer preguntas, así como proporcionar las respuestas para las actividades generales relacionadas con la capacitación del curso en español.

The course aims at developing students' practical skills in translating various branches of law, introducing basic terminology and concepts, using various translation techniques and approaches, developing professional attitudes to meet the requirements of modern labour market

The Course gives an overview of recent EU projects on translation and interpreting. Among them are:

AVIDICUS 3: Assessment of Video-Mediated Interpreting in Criminal and Civil Justice - Assessing the Implementation (2013-2015), conducting a comprehensive assessment of the VC solutions and working out training materials in bilingual videoconferencing;

LIT Search (2013-2015), setting up a database of legal interpreters and translators on the e-Justice portal to link up the participating counties in procedural safeguarding;

JUSTISIGHNS (2013-2016), focusing on identifying competencies for sign language interpreting in legal settings and providing training for both qualified and qualifying signed language interpreters in this domain;

TraiLLD: Training in Languages of Lesser Diffusion (2013-2015), sharing the expertise in training legal interpreters in languages of lesser diffusion and testing a framework of best practices in training methodologies.

These and some other EU projects are of great practical value. They can heavily contribute to the programme of legal translation and interpreting in terms of materials and methodology.

The Course looks at practices and standards worked out by the EU Council's Translation Department to harmonise and ensure high quality of translations in the multilingual environment. Quality assurance rests on three broad areas: staff, methods and procedures, and tools. Each of those areas are investigated to work out best practices to produce texts and their translations of a suitable high standards. Computer-assisted tools (CAT) are a means of ensuring technological and phraseological consistency, inside a document as well as across families of related documents, all of which contribute to translation quality. The issues of  quality management as well as the role of quality controllers are also central. Among challenges in translating EU documents the Course focuses on technical and/or linguistic errors and their prevention. 

   The course introduces students to the interdisciplinary studies of language and law, a new branch of applied linguistics -Forensic Linguistics. It covers closely related aspects of legal language and law development and their interrelationship.  The course is intended to integrate theoretical frameworks of different fields of linguistics such as Speech Act theory, Cognitive Linguistics, Legal Semiotics, Discourse analysis to encourage a diverse range of research methodologies and to address various issues related to the role of language in legal setting .

The Course investigates engagement of an interpreter in the pre-trial, trial and post-trial stages of court proceedings. The theoretical scope of materials involves such issues as the role of an interpreter, qualifications and competency, laws and regulations governing judicial interpreting, modes and strategies of court interpreting and some others. The practical skills suggest developing cognitive abilities like listening, short-term memory, visual/auditory processing, note taking, sight translation, non-verbal communication, semantic equivalence and logic. During the Course the students also familiarize themselves with the scope of documents relevant in a court room and practice to interpret them at sight.

The course aims to assist learners in the acheivement of a good understanding of law, its institution and processes that affect the administration of justice under law. The goal of the course is to introduce the learners the main aspects of the bilingual English in legal systems.

The key objective of the course is to develop professional translation skills on the material of most common types of documents. The course is based on the theory of translation and contributes to general practices of translation within the legal domain.

Theoretical part of the course contains the legal background and definitions and outlines the structure and elements of a certain document along with the analysis of its distinguishing linguistic features. Most of this material is connected with the English legal system so that the students acquire a general knowledge about the document under study. This helps them in rendering a document into Russian. The next step is practicing translation of a similar Russian document into English.

Seminars suggest discussing variants of translation and address common errors and language misuse in terms of grammar/structure, syntax, lexis/phrases, legal context and legal culture.


 The aim of the course is to introduce students to the studies of Linguistics, its subject, object, purposes and research tools. Special em phasis is laid on language studies origins and development across centuri es; major linguistic schools and researchers. The course acquaints studen ts with the nature, principles and procedures of Linguistics. 

This manual is intended for students of 1-2 courses of non-linguistic humanitarian specialties and Master's program. It contributes to the development of a communicative and, in a basic, translation competence of future specialists on the material of texts on problems of intercultural communication. The manual is developed on the basis of authentic texts.

Each section includes assignments for consolidation of linguistic material, development of communicative skills and skills to be abstracted on a foreign text.

The main purpose is to introduce students to the revising and editing peculiarities. The course focuses focus on requirements for the production of final English  and Russian drafts of deliverable quality.

The course content is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge, international and national panorama of the discipline. Special emphasis is laid on interdisciplinary environment  that embraces cognitive, cultural, pragmatic, linguistics  aspects  of  revising and editing procedure within a broad extra linguistic context  related to a particular pair of national legal systems and cultures.

The course makes students aware of  specificity, the revising and editing nature, principles, procedures, conventions in respect of revising and editing. The course

Includes detailed coverage of copy editing, stylistic editing, structural editing, ·checking for consistency, use of computer aids·, revision parameters, degrees of revision, self-revision quality assessment. Special emphasis is laid on the range of cultural situations in which editors and revisers work, and the important social and political role their activities can play.

The main purpose of the course is to introduce students to a wide range of computer-assisted tools that can be used in legal translation, as well as a number of translation-related IT topics from file management to information research and management. Special emphasis will be placed on terminology management.

The course content is designed to provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge, and practical skills, international and national panorama of the discipline. Special emphasis is laid on interdisciplinary environment that embraces aspects of Linguistics and Information Technology.

Throughout the course students will be trained to use technology to their advantage and will learn what types of tech­nology will serve them best in different circumstances. The course aims to explain the main concepts and general issues associated with the technology. Students will learn funda­mental concepts, and tutorials will allow them to get hands-on experience using the specific products that are currently available.

The main purpose of the course is to introduce students to the language studies and  research methods within the framework of  human civilization development across centuries.

   The course content is designed to provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge, international and national panorama of the discipline. Special emphasis is laid on interdisciplinary environment  that embraces historical, typological, cognitive, cultural, pragmatic  aspects  of language  studies, theoretical and  practice oriented research within a broad interdisciplinary  context.

  The course acquaints students with the nature, principles and procedures, classification and levels of language studies.

   The course helps students become aware of key language studies stages, their research objects and trends, key linguistic concepts, Modern Linguistics branches and interdisciplinary nature of  language studies methodology.

The main purpose is to introduce students to the Legal English peculiarities, discourse conventions, communicative strategies and tactics, legal branches terminology, legal documents style and grammar specificity.

The course content is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge, international and national panorama of the discipline. Special emphasis is laid on interdisciplinary environment  that embraces cognitive, cultural, pragmatic, linguistics  aspects  of legal  English within a broad extra linguistic context  related to a particular pair of national legal systems and cultures.

The course makes students aware of  legal English terminology specificity, the nature, principles, procedures, conventions  of Legal  English genres, helps students realize the implications of the similarities and differences between legal cultures embedded in the language.

The course content is designed to provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge, international and national panorama of the discipline. Special emphasis is laid on interdisciplinary environment that embraces cognitive, cultural, pragmatic, linguistics, legal   aspects  of the phenomenon under study within a broad extra linguistic context  related to different aspects of translation and interpreting.

The main purpose of the course is to introduce students to the pedagogy and psychology of higher education.

The course content is designed to provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge, international and national panorama of the discipline. Special emphasis is laid on interdisciplinary environment that embraces cognitive, cultural, pragmatic aspects of pedagogical and psychological research and practice within a broad socio cultural context related to a particular pedagogical and psychological systems and cultures.

The course acquaints students with the nature, principles and procedures, classification and levels of contemporary higher education, helps students to realize the implications of the similarities and differences between national educational systems typical of a particular time period

The main purpose of the course is to introduce students to the Philosophy of Communication and Translation.

The course content is designed to provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge, international and national panorama of the discipline. The course goals include studies of

History of Philosophy.,Communication and Translation.

The next task is to analyse the key aspects of  Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Communication.

The course also aims at studying what philosophy says about text types.

The course goals also include the research of such issues as Philosophy of Meaning and Translation, Philosophy of interpretation and translation equivalence, interpretation and adaptation, and Debates about Philosophy of Translation;

Public Service Interpreting or Community Interpreting is a fast growing field of professional activity around the world. Intensive global movement of populations has resulted in growing number of multicultural and multilingual societies in which ethnic minorities are facing with numerous, including linguistic, barriers. The increased interaction between persons with limited language proficiency and public service institutions has trigged the professionalization of Public Service Interpreting. The professionalization of this field is reflected in emergence of educational programs run by mostly European and North American universities.

The main purpose of the course is to introduce students to the theory of Quantitative Linguistics, its history and practice use.

This method represents a digestive approach to deriving a set of abstract rules by which a natural language is governed or else relates to another language.

The content of the course is designed to provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge of the discipline. Students are to acquire skills of typology of translation driven corpora, their definitions, computer assisted translation and computational linguistics. Special attention is laid on the corpus- based translation studies and concordances.

The main purpose of the course is to introduce students to the interdisciplinary context of theoretical and    empirical research within the framework of  Translation  Studies.

 The course content is designed to provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge, international and national panorama of the discipline. Special emphasis is laid on interdisciplinary environment  that embraces cognitive, cultural, pragmatic, linguistics  aspects  of translation research and practice within a broad extra linguistic context  related to a particular pair of national cultures.

 The course acquaints students with the nature, principles and procedures, classification and levels of translation analysis, its stages, and angles.

 The course helps students realize the implications of the similarities and differences between  translation techniques that can be applied as far as different registers are concerned.