The main aim of the course is to develop communicative competence of postgraduates enough for scientific and research activity.

As a result of studying the discipline, the doctoral candidate must:


- Basic principles and norms of business communication;

- the principles of relationships in the working collective, in the educational and scientific team;

- the basic forms of scientific communication, the norms of business conversation, the norms of communication, verbal communication in the scientific environment;

- rules and features of scientific etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment.

Be able to:

- apply knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication;

- to realize knowledge about the basic forms of scientific communication, norms of business conversation;

- to build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette;

- analyze relations with colleagues, superiors, subordinates, clients.


- the skills of practical actualization of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication;

- skills in the realization of knowledge about the basic forms of business communication, norms of business conversation, conversation in the educational and scientific environment;

- the basic skills of scientific etiquette in scientific and pedagogical activity.

The language of the course is English

Total workload of the discipline is 3 credits (108 hours)

Цели и задачи дисциплины связаны с формированием у аспирантов системного представления  о закономерностях развития финансовых отношений в экономических системах, включая сущность и функции государственных финансов и бюджета в системе национального воспроизводства, принципы финансовой политики государства, формы и методы организации финансов в системе финансовых и нефинансовых организаций, социально-экономическое содержание финансовой системы, особенности функционирования ее отдельных звеньев, механизмы взаимодействия между ними; влияние финансов на процесс воспроизводства валового внутреннего продукта, а также современные процессы глобализации финансовых отношений  в мировой экономике.

 Цели и задачи дисциплины: формирование целостного знания в области финансовых рынков, а именно, сущности и структуры рынков, их роли в системе общественного воспроизводства, видах и типах финансовых инструментов, особенностях их обращения, механизма трансформации капитала в инвестиции посредством финансовых рынков.

Purposes and problems of discipline: formation of complete knowledge in the field of the financial markets, namely, essence and structure of the markets, their role in system of public reproduction, types and types of financial instruments, features of their address, the mechanism of transformation of the capital in investment by means of the financial markets.

Requirements to results of development of discipline:

Process of studying of discipline is directed on formation of the following competences:


·      Ability to abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis (OK-1);

·      Readiness to work in non-standard situations, to bear social and ethical responsibility for the made decisions (OK-2);

·      Readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of the creative potential (OK-3).

·      Ability to make organizational and administrative decisions (OPK-3). 

·      Ability to generalize and critically to estimate the results received by domestic and foreign researchers to reveal the perspective directions, to make the program of researches (PK-1);

·      Ability to prove relevance, the theoretical and practical importance of the chosen subject of scientific research (PK-2);

·      Ability to conduct independent researches according to the developed program (PK-3);

·      Ability to present results of the conducted research to scientific community in the form of article or report (PK-4);

·      Ability independently to carry out preparation of tasks and to develop design decisions taking into account an uncertainty factor, to develop the relevant methodical and normative documents, and also offers and actions for implementation of the developed projects and programs (PK-5);

·      Ability to estimate efficiency of projects taking into account a factor of uncertainty (PK-6);

·      Ability to develop strategy of behavior of economic agents in various markets (PK-7);

·      Ability to prepare analytical materials for an assessment of actions in the field of economic policy and adoption of strategic decisions on micro and the macrolevel (PK-8);

·      Ability to analyze and use various sources of information for carrying out economic calculations (PK-9);

·      Ability to make the forecast of the main socio-economic indexes of activity of the enterprise, branch, the region and economy in general (PK-10).

  As a result of studying of discipline the graduate student has to:

Nobility: essence and structure of the financial markets; their place and a role in system of the economic relations, regularities of their functioning, the principles of the organization of the address and the organization of a turn of financial instruments.

To be able: to analyze and give an assessment to acts in the field of the financial markets; to use the statistical data connected with the address of financial instruments; to analyze financial instruments from a position of risk-taking and profitability; to use the knowledge connected with the financial markets in practical activities, to predict influence of economic processes on development of the financial markets.

To own: methodology of the analysis of operations with financial instruments from the point of view of comparison, an assessment of financial result and probability of obtaining the income; to perfrom calculations for all types of operations with financial instruments.


The discipline purpose - formation of complex knowledge of students, theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of financial relations of economic subjects, features, the purposes, problems of a financial policy, working out of the mechanism of realisation of a financial policy, an estimation of its efficiency, disclosing of the economic maintenance of the finance of the enterprises, principles, forms and methods of their organisation; essence of processes of formation of expenses and incomes, financial resources and the capital of the organizations (enterprises).

  Discipline problems:

- Studying of the economic maintenance and functions of the finance of managing subjects;

- Studying of structure of a financial system of the state;

- Studying of structure of financial streams of corporations and the enterprises;

- Concept of a financial policy and management of the finance;

- Studying of specificity of the state, private and special finance.